
My thoughts on climate, energy, ocean and data innovation
How to find relevant climate data (ext. 🔗)
How to find relevant climate data (ext. 🔗) 1024 761 Johannes Friedrich

A new tool helps users navigate the many open climate data platforms available and identify the most relevant platforms for their work.

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9 Charts Explain Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country (ext. 🔗)
9 Charts Explain Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country (ext. 🔗) 877 769 Johannes Friedrich

When India surpassed EU in GHG emissions in 2019 , that statistic only told part of the story. We analyzed how countries’ per capita emissions compare historically and in the present day.

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This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World’s Top 10 Emitters (ext. 🔗)
This Interactive Chart Shows Changes in the World’s Top 10 Emitters (ext. 🔗) 725 680 Johannes Friedrich

Our Climate Watch interactive chart explores GHG emissions by country and economic sector, and shows how top emitters have changed in recent years.

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Party Button
Party Button 1.0
Party Button 1.0 1024 846 Johannes Friedrich

How about a button that can spawn an instant dance party in your living room? Introducing the Party Button 1.0. While the idea is not new, this tutorial shows how to build a party button for cheap ($50 or less). If configured right (it is quite extensible) it turns your living room into a dance…

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Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal (ext. 🔗)
Climate Action Must Progress Far Faster to Achieve 1.5 C Goal (ext. 🔗) 912 837 Johannes Friedrich

Are we on track to meet climate targets by 2030 and 2050? The The State of Climate Action report found that in all but a couple of cases, progress is happening far too slowly for the world to meet its emissions-reduction targets.

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4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and Sectors (ext. 🔗)
4 Charts Explain Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Countries and Sectors (ext. 🔗) 892 710 Johannes Friedrich

Globally, greenhouse gas emissions have grown by 53% from 1990 to 2019. Where are these emissions coming from, and who is responsible?

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Harnessing the Power of the Ocean Data Revolution (ext. 🔗)
Harnessing the Power of the Ocean Data Revolution (ext. 🔗) 935 712 Johannes Friedrich

Three key actions can build on the UN Decade of Ocean Science to create an open, actionable and equitable digital ecosystem for the ocean:

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How to Visualize Key Climate Change Question in 7 Interactive Emissions Charts
How to Visualize Key Climate Change Question in 7 Interactive Emissions Charts 1024 698 Johannes Friedrich

Utilizing data visualization can be one of the best tools for compelling communication in an organization, especially in the field of climate change. This blog illustrates how to 1) answer a common or interesting climate change questions 2) with an engaging, intuitive and interactive visual. I will also 3) explain why each visual works and…

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Water Stress Threatens Nearly Half the World’s Thermal Power Plant Capacity (ext. 🔗)
Water Stress Threatens Nearly Half the World’s Thermal Power Plant Capacity (ext. 🔗) 1024 721 Johannes Friedrich

When we overlaid areas of current water scarcity with existing power plant infrastructure, we found that 47 percent of the world’s thermal power plant capacity—mostly coal, natural gas and nuclear—and 11 percent of hydroelectric capacity are located in highly water-stressed areas.

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What’s Food Loss and Waste Got to Do with Climate Change? A Lot, Actually. (ext. 🔗)
What’s Food Loss and Waste Got to Do with Climate Change? A Lot, Actually. (ext. 🔗) 828 663 Johannes Friedrich

Yes, the food lost near the farm or wasted near the fork has a lot to do with climate change.

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